Saturday, 3 August 2013

How to study Key Skills?

How to Study Key Skills?

If you, or your child, are about to take on a new learning challenge then you need to know the best ways to study. When people talk about study skills what do they actually mean? The information in this article attempts to explain the key components of successful study. Know the Specification

Right from the start of your course you should know what the requirements are. A good teacher will probably tell you about your course on the first day or give you this information in a booklet. Learning is like a journey and the course specification is your map. Find out what exam board you are studying for. Look at their website and see if you can download any sample exam papers. Make sure you know which topics will be covered and whether there is a textbook for the course. If you can, read this book before the course starts.
The more you know about where you are going the better the results will be. You might even be able to buy a revision guide, in advance. These guides, which are often easily available, provide clear notes and an overview for each topic. Rather than save these till exam time you could use them to read ahead and find out what modules you are going to cover.
Looking at sample exam papers will help you to understand the type of questions that you will need to answer. Think about the skills that are needed. Will you have to write essays or will there be short questions? If you know these things then you can check that you gather adequate information to meet the needs of the specification.
Make sure that you establish a good organisation system. Buy a ring binder and subject dividers and label these to match the modules of the course. If you are given handouts you need to hole punch them and put them in the right section or use plastic wallets to keep them tidy. Never gather up a pile of sheets and think that you will sort them out 'later' because this may not happen. File all your worksheets as soon as the teacher gives them to you.
It may also be useful to keep a list of keywords or important spellings at the back of the folder or on index cards. These words should be checked frequently to make sure that they are known and remembered.
Awareness of How you Learn
We all learn in different ways and we all have different strengths. Think about how you learn best and use this to help you with your organisation. If you like visual learning then you could try making mind-maps for each topic. If you prefer to learn by listening then you could tape your lessons or tape yourself reading through the notes. You don't have to approach the course in the same way as everybody else. Learn in a way that helps you.
Practice, Review and Rehearse
If you really want to learn something then you can't just attend a lesson and hope that you will remember all the content. It is important to review and rehearse your work. One useful way of doing this is to make revision notes, from your main notes, as you move through the course. Pick out the key points and write them down on cards or tape them if this is what you prefer. By doing this you not only review each topic but you help to prepare yourself for the eventual exam.
Working through sample exam papers is also very important. You can do this under timed and untimed conditions. This will help you to feel familiar with the design and style of the exam and it will encourage you to respond to questions within the correct time constraints.
If you have been accepted on the course, or decided that you are ready to take it, then you should be capable of passing. Don't compare yourself to other learners. Work in your own way at your own pace and believe that you are entitled to learn. If you meet obstacles then think about how to overcome them. If you write a bad essay then ask your teacher for feedback and respond to this feedback. If you don't understand a topic then read around it or get some individual tuition. You may need to return to topics several times before you master them totally but if you believe in yourself and follow the tips in this article then you should have every reason to feel confident.

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