Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Why Gold Is best for investment?

Why Gold Is best for investment?

The ultimate dollar hedge investment will always be gold. Investing in gold through ownership of the metal itself, mutual funds, or gold mining stock provides the most direct counter to the dollar. As the dollar falls, gold will inevitably rise. In a moment, we’ll provide you with many ways for positioning your portfolio to profit from a bull market in gold. For now, we emphasize the high probability of gold’s future. The real potential for profits in the coming years and decades is not going to be found in the traditional American blue chip industry. That is a financial dinosaur that can no longer compete in the world market.

The future growth is going to be seen in gold. The world economy may remain off the gold standard, but ultimately the tangible value of gold as the basis for real value-whether acknowledged by central banks or not-will never change. Historically, this has always been the case, and it always will be. In other words, we are on a “gold standard” in spite of the popularity of fiat.

5 Best reasons why gold is best for investment.

1. Direct ownership. There is nothing like gold bullion, the ultimate expression of pure value. Historically, many civilizations have recognized the permanence of gold’s value. For example, Egyptian civilizations buried vast amounts of gold with deceased pharaohs in the belief that they would be able to use it in the afterlife. Great wars were fought, among other reasons, to pillage stores of gold. Why the allure? The answer: Gold is the only real money, and its value cannot be changed or controlled by government fiat-the underlying reason for governments to go off the gold standard, unfortunately.Gold’s value will rise based on the pure forces of supply and demand, no matter what Mr. Greenspan decrees regarding interest rates or greenbacks in circulation. The big disadvantage to owning gold is that it tends to trade with a wide spread between bid and ask prices. So don’t expect to turn a fast profit. You’ll buy at retail and sell at wholesale, so you’ll need a big price jump just to break even. However, you should not view gold as a speculative asset, but a defensive asset for holding value. Since your dollars are going to fall in value, gold is the best place to preserve value. The best forms for gold ownership are through minted coins: one-ounce South African Krugerrands, Canadian Maple Leafs, or American Eagles.

2. Gold exchange-traded funds. The recent explosion in exchange traded funds (ETFs) presents an even more interesting way to invest in gold. An ETF is a type of mutual fund that trades on a stock exchange like an ordinary stock. The ETF’s exact portfolio is fixed in advance and does not change. Thus, the two gold ETFs that trade in the United States both hold gold bullion as their one and only asset. You can locate these two ETFs under the symbol “GLD” (for the streetTRACKS Gold Trust) and “IAU” (for the iShares COMEX Gold Trust). Either ETF offers a practical way to hold gold in an investment portfolio.

3. Gold mutual funds. For people who are hesitant to invest in physical gold, but still desire some exposure to the precious metal, gold mutual funds provide a helpful alternative. These funds hold portfolios of gold stocks-that is, the stocks of companies like Newmont Mining that mine for gold. Newmont is an example of a senior gold stock. A senior is a large, well-capitalized company that has been around several years and has a profitable track record. They tend to own established mines that produce known quantities of gold each year. For many investors, selection of such a company is a more moderate or conservative play (versus picking up cheap shares in fairly young companies).

4.  Junior gold stocks. This level of stock is more speculative. Junior stocks are less likely to own productive mines, and may be exploration plays-with higher potential profits but also with greater risk of loss. Capitalization is likely to be smaller than capitalization of the senior gold stocks. This range of investments is for investors whose risk tolerance is broader, and who accept the possibility of gold-based losses in exchange for the potential for triple-digit gains.

5.  Gold options and futures. For the more sophisticated and experienced investor, options allow you to speculate in gold prices. But in the options market, you can speculate on price movements in either direction. If you buy a call, you are hoping prices will rise. A call fixes the purchase price so the higher that price goes, the greater the margin between your fixed option price and current market price. When you buy a put, you expect the price to fall. Buying options is risky, and more people lose than win. In fact, about three-fourths of all options bought expire worthless. The options market is complex and requires experience and understanding. To generalize, options possess two key traits-one bad and one good. The good trait is that they enable an investor to control a large investment with a small, and limited, amount of money. The bad trait is that options expire within a fixed period of time. Thus, for the buyer time is the enemy because as the expiration date gets closer, an option’s “time value” disappears. Anyone investing in options needs to understand all of the risks before they spend money. The futures market is far too complex for the vast majority of investors. Even experienced options investors recognize the high risk nature of the futures market. Considering the range of ways to get into the gold market, futures trading is the most complex and, while big fortunes could be made, they can also be lost in an instant.

What Were Martin Luther King's Achievements?

What Were Martin Luther King's Achievements?


Martin Luther King was the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work toward ending racial segregation and racial discrimination using non-violent methods. He also focused his efforts on ending poverty and opposed the Vietnam War from a religious perspective.

Martin Luther King's greatest achievement was being the main force behind the American Civil Rights Movement. He fought for the rights of African-Americans, which revolved around the banning of racial segregation, led the Birmingham campaign, whose aim was promoting their civil rights and, finally, he was instrumental in organizing the largest gathering in Washington's history in March, 1963. Martin Luther was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, at least fifty honorary degrees and other several significant awards.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Google to bring 10x faster WiFi to all 7000 US Starbucks locations

Google to bring 10x faster WiFi to all 7000 US Starbucks locations

Starbucks seems to be on a mission to improve the technology inside its coffee shops recently. Yesterday we heard about wireless charging pads being integrated into tables at Silicon Valley Starbucks locations, now the company has done a deal with Google to provide much faster WiFi access.

The collaboration will see Google deliver up to 10x faster WiFi to not just a few, but all 7,000 Starbucks-operated locations across the US. And better yet, if any of those Starbucks fall within a Google Fiber area, Google is aiming to increase speeds 100x.

Upgrading 7,000 locations is quite the undertaking, but Google believes it can get the job done over the next 18 months. After that, visit any US Starbucks and you’ll apparently get to enjoy much faster access.

Google says it is investing to help the Internet grow stronger. It also points to Starbucks web access as being important not only for students and people who choose to work from such locations, but also because they can act as key communication points during a disaster such as when Hurricane Sandy hit.

Indeed, Google isn’t new to the idea of investing in Internet infrastructure for no real monetary gain. You may remember back in 2009 the search giant decided to offer free WiFi access across 47 US airports.

While these upgrades may be great news for coffee drinkers, they could cause Starbucks a bit of a problem. If you’re offering faster Internet access than people get at home for free, free gadget charging, and all it costs is the price of a coffee, why would anyone want to leave? We could see a lot more people testing how long a tall coffee can last just to sit there surfing the web all day.

Construction of world’s tallest building in 90 days delayed until April 2014

Construction of world’s tallest building in 90 days delayed until April 2014

Construction company Broad Sustainable Building (BSB) had a very bold plan for 2013. They set out to build the world’s tallest building, called Sky City, in Hunan, China in just 90 days.

It sounds like an impossible task, but you wouldn’t bet against BSB hitting that 90 day target. The reason is the prefabricated nature of the building, which BSB has already used to construct a 30-story building in just 15 days.

With that in mind, we expected Sky City to be completed before the end of 2013 and at a cost of $628 million. Both of those goals now won’t be met as the construction has been delayed and the price of the build increased significantly.

No reason has been given for the delay, and this actually counts as the second time construction has been held up. We were meant to see Sky City erected in January, now it looks as though it won’t make an appearance on Hunan’s skyline until April 2014. The cost has also escalated significantly, that $628 million total has shot up to $855 million, again with no reason as to why.


So, while the final build may end up taking 90 days, the first of those days remains a moving target, and the build cost is getting higher even before a single prefabricated unit has been placed on the ground. If this is the future of large building construction, there’s clearly more than a few kinks still to work out in the process.